The Art of Fashion

posted on: Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Thursday PARK, DaDe Art and Design Lab and Lauren Bagliore teamed up to present The Art of Fashion, an exclusive runway, shopping, and fundraising event for the purpose of raising awareness and funds towards the prevention of human trafficking. Bagliore (pronounced bal-your-ray) has a "fashion from the heart" philosophy, and believes in using her career in fashion as a platform to give back to those in need. Lauren Bagliore is known for her delicately draped and versatile dresses and her edgy, yet feminine coats. 

I was lucky enough to meet up with Lauren at her studio and grab a few "behinds the scenes"snapshots of her workspace, and then later snap some photos of the art gallery pre-event. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I recently joined the PARK team and was helping out at this event. It was a different experience to be on the other side of a fashion show, and I really enjoyed it. 
the gift boxes generously donated by Smashbox, Borjois, and RoC
some of the items on display for sale
My favourite pieces from the collection were the coats!
runway photos by Rafal Wegiel of Fashion Calgary
After the show: Domingo, Lauren, Rupi & Kara